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All of these books have many testimonies like: healed marriages, healed depression, changed lives, heart transformations, bodies renewed, restoration in the family, etc. These are not just writings. They are full of divine revelation, truths, impartation and all of them cause transformation from the inside and then recreating the outer man!
And - they are NOT meant to fill your MIND with more information; their intention is to totally transform your very life.

Finding Father, Finding Wholness

It is time now to discover God as father and to release His heart to all those we come into contact with starting in our own homes.
In this book you will find a revelation of the extreme power, strength, and peace that comes from living life within the heart of God the Father. Father God desires that His children experience His loving embrace on a daily basis. He intended every earthly father to bless his children and release a deep sense of purpose and identity into them. If a father does not bless his children and curses or abuses them it will result in a deep pain and longing for healing and wholeness. As we learn about the Father’s heart we can discover healing from that deep pain. King David said the gentleness of God was the secret to him being great (Psalm 18:35). When someone tastes the goodness and gentleness of God, pains are healed, hope is restored and life takes on new meaning. Participate in the transforming presence and power of the eternal Father`s heart while you read this book. 

The Disguised Murderer

Do you find yourself feeling frustrated when your wife asks you anything, or wants to talk with you? Do you find that the atmosphere in your home is filled with tension and you feel you are walking on eggshells? Do you as a wife desire to be close at night with your husband and you feel him irritated if you are close to him? Do you as a husband feel as if you could explode with rage for no apparent reason in the presence of your loved ones? As a father do you feel incapable to look after your children without your wife?
Do you sense danger is around you and fear that an accident is waiting to happen. As a wife do you feel you are to blame for every problem in your home? As a husband are you aware that you just can’t feel for your wife and be sensitive to her needs. If this is you, there is hope and freedom ….
For the first ten years of our married life, we battled daily with these issues in our marriage to the point we could not stand being with each other. It got so bad that we both considered separation. Through the life and help of Greg Violi we saw hope for our marriage, we received crucial basic truth which saved us. Without the ministry and love of Greg Violi I believe that Jeannie and I would not be living together today. We experienced a radical change in our marriage as God started to soften our hearts and reveal this very hidden evil that was in my bloodline.

This book will expose misogyny and it will lead the reader into a complete cleansing and healing from all of its effects. After the freedom from misogyny, the man will discover his true purpose in life, he will walk in a much greater discernment and his power to reign will become a living reality in his daily life. He will be an authoritative godly, leader with the blessings of heaven upon his entire life. Read this book and enter into the heart of God and reveal his kingdom on earth.


Depression and Introspection

The purpose of God in creation is to have people live in His presence and to find joy, peace and love in Him. Often, due to disappointments, troubles and difficulties, fear blocks individuals from living in the presence of God.
If healing doesn't take place, these experiences will release a diseased mind-set about life. As a result of a diseased way of thinking, people will actually  create a presence of a wounded, fearful self in which to live their life, instead of living in God's presence. This booklet explains how to overcome bad experiences and learn to live in the presence of God instead of living in depression and introspection.


The Secret of a Fantastic Marriage

As any married couple knows, a struggling marriage can result in anger, pain, grief, and resentment. So often, those struggles come from elsewhere in life, such as past wounds, emotional scars, and broken relationships. Author and marital counselor Greg Violi reveals God’s plans to release you from that bondage. The Secrets of a Fantastic Marriage unlocks and provides the most powerful tools that any couple can use to secure a fulfilling, fantastic relationship. Greg takes readers through the magnificent heights and glorious depths of God's love and how it changes the destiny of their relationships. The struggles of life can leave anyone scarred and struggling.
But by taking life’s burdens to the cross, anyone can experience the joyous freedom available through the blood of Christ. 
In this new revised edition of “The Secrets of a Fantastic Marriage”, readers will learn that it is possible to experience a fantastic marriage in today’s world through the application of the practical concepts herein. Discover for yourself the all new chapters on godly sex, loving your spouse’s temperament/personality and how to keep the flame of love. Join author Greg Violi, and witness the same incredible results in your own life that he has seen revolutionize hundreds of marriages across the globe.

Talitha Cumi

Daughters of God, Arise and be Healed! 

“Talitha Cumi” is a prophetic call for the daughters of the King to arise and to fulfill their high calling in Christ. Not only will this revolutionary book bring healing and restoration to women, but it will also restore the true image of the Father within the Body of His Son! 

This is book is not just for women, it clearly states the importance of a woman in God's Word and how it has been wrongly translated for thousand of years. Many men have been set free just by reading and seeing from scripture the rightful place of a woman that God ordained and have come into their calling as a man of God. As they see the true image of God they begin to see "her part" and "his part" as a whole.

Through reading this book, you will receive the Father's heart imparted in you.  

The Lamb’s Heart

The Lambs heart book is a continuation of the first book, the ‘Kings Holy Beauty’. The King’s Holy Beauty is basically a theological course on the kingdoms of pride and humility. But in the Lambs heart book it is a practical revelation of pride and humility in one’s life, throughout this book the reader can clearly understand what is the heart of the Lamb like, how does it manifest, and what are the fruits of carrying this kind of heart inside of you. This is a very important book to understand heart manifestations and reactions and how to allow the Lamb to control your heart from the inside. Many people that have gone through pain and trauma have been healed just by seeing the true heart of the Lamb.

Called to be King's and Priest's

‘‘For thousands of years, men have sold their birthright for a bowl of soup. Now, hear the Spirit calling you back to your birthright as a king and a priest! Through the selfish nature of Adam, mankind has forfeited their birthright
and has not seen the privilege and honor that God has bestowed on them through His Son. The set time has come for men to arise as Kings and Priests, and to bring healing to their families.’’ In this book Greg gives a biblical description of the role of men as kings and priests. He also addresses specific issues blocking men from fulfilling their calling. Discover how to remove these hindrances from your life and attain your destiny in Christ!

The King's Holy Beauty

In this life-transforming book you can discover the source of all problems, and the very solution to every problem as well. If you sincerely desire to know what really pleases the Father and also what greatly displeases him, then this book is for you! This is a very good description of pride and humility, how it is clearly brought out everywhere in the Bible. This will bring great enlightenment in all areas of life. 

Whose Image and Which Mind?

This booklet is a clear and biblical description of two hearts and two wisdoms. The heart of God and the heart of satan. The wisdom of this earth and the wisdom of heaven. This booklet shows how it is possible for a Christian to operate in either wisdom. In these days it is of vital importance for the body of Christ to be a manifestation of God's wisdom on earth.

Imparting a Father's Blessing

There is a worldwide epidemic crossing all cultural, financial, intellectual, and religious boundaries. This epidemic causes diseases, dysfunctions, and many difficulties in the lives of those it effects. There is no place on earth this diabolical epidemic cannot reach. It is an epidemic affecting generations of people, it is the lack of a father and a father’s blessing.
Did you know that your Father God created you to receive a blessing from your earthly father? This blessing was meant to release you into adulthood, prosperity, joy, peace, and to bring you into your true self and purpose in life!
This little booklet is the result of a conversation I had with another beloved brother and sister in Christ. It is directly derived from our conversation and is the answer to their question, “How do we impart the Father’s blessing to those in need?” As I answered this question it was clear that what I was sharing as the Lord gave it to me, needed to be recorded. It is time that the multitude of people who are hurting and yearning for a Father’s blessing be released and blessed into their God-given identity!
I have seen multitudes of curses broken instantly, bodies healed, souls restored, joy restored, fears leave, depression healed, pain disappear, a new desire for life to come where before there was no hope or desire to live, marriages radically changed, and on and on. All these wonderful things happened as a result of receiving a father’s blessing. It is truly wonderful and amazing to behold the Father come into the deep places within His precious children to heal, restore, and welcome them back into His heart of pure love!

A Heavenly Victorious Life

The Spirit of the ascended Christ desires to come inside of a believer and reveal Himself. When we allow Him to do this it produces a heavenly life, one always abounding in victory. This book explains this realm and source of life as well as Satan’s sub-stitute. Greg describes the real life of the ascended, exalted Lord and how we can abide in His fullness. 
As you read this book you will discover which life you are living. Are you living a life filled with the very fragrance of Jesus and constant victory, or one that only has the outward appearance of godliness, but very little of the reality that Jesus offers? Jesus Christ died in his flesh so that He might live in the Spirit through you. Will you let Him?

The Key To Stay In Love

God desires mercy more than any sacrifice that man can offer. In any relationship, the most desirable attributes are kindness, mercy, and love. When a person allows outward appearances or possessions to take first priority, judgments and hardness become the replacement for a heart attitude of kindness. The love of God cannot abide where there is hardness of heart. In this small booklet, you can learn how judgments operate and how to guard yourself from destructive attitudes. 
The author has over 30 years of experience in ministry and the application of the truths in this booklet. Through his experience the author has seen love filled marriages destroyed through anger and negativity, as a result of a single judgment. No matter whom you are or what relationship you are in, the “The Key to staying in Love” is an important guide to maintaining complete joy and love in any relationship.

“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV

The New Species

Read this booklet and discover the new creation and the new race of humanity that you as a believer in Christ are a part of! Start to drink from the dimension of living water that fills the risen Christ. Be no longer bound to walk in the old life of Adam, but enter into the new realm of Christ! Read and experience all of this in “The New Species”!

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